Create a Digital Menu for your restaurant or coffe bar for FREE!
Collaborate more with your customers
Start by writing your business name:

The most interactive platform for the digital menu
Replace your physical menu with the digital one, quickly and safely with our platform.
Digitize your business!

Create digital menu
Create your menu directly on our platform. Easy and simple
- Beautiful QR code designs
- Quick access to the menu
- Variety of menus

Generate QR code
Create a QR menu code and place it on your restaurant tables! !
- Fast generation
- Choose the color of the QR code
- Print QR codes

Digitize your business!
Allow customers to view your menu at any time
- No need for application
- Very fast menu online
- Interconnection with social networks
Why you should create a digital menu with QR code
Digital Menu is the right tool for Restaurants and bar coffee to provide their customers with a QR menu, attractive. Inspire your audience, reduce costs and save time. All this using this single tool.